Selection Criteria


When selecting the proper Vibco Vibrator product for your needs:

  • Find needed vibrator force for your application
  • Find available vibrator models
  • Select electric, pneumatic or hydraulic operation
  • Contact us for the current price and delivery

Please note that the following applies only to VIBCO products. Other vibrators have different characteristics (speed&force) please check with us for details on the conversion of an existing unit over to a VIBCO vibrator.

Bins, Hoppers

To move the material in a bin or hopper, the friction between the material and the bin skin has to be broken. Once this is done the material cannot cling to the bin sides and it will flow out through the discharge. The vibrator force needed to accomplish this, is for 80% of all applications, very simply calculated as follows:

Calculate the weight of the material in the transition or sloping part of the bin. Normally this is the only place where the friction between the material and the bin sides has to be broken.


Note for calculating: –

Imperial – use – feet for sizes & lbs per cu foot for material density
Metric – use – meters for sizes & Kgs per cu meter for material density.

For CONICAL BINS, calculate as follows:- 0.261 x dia ²  X height x material density.

For RECTANGULAR BINS: –  length x width x height x 1/3 x material density.

When the weight has been calculated, divide this by 10 – the figure you get is the force or impact needed by your vibrator.

For example: The conical part of a 25 ton bin contains 7000 lbs. Divide 7000 by 10, you need a vibrator with 700 lbs. of centrifugal force or impact.

Find suitable vibrator in the VIBCO Catalogue or in Technical data.

NOTES: Additional considerations when sizing vibrator to bins.
  • If bin side angle is below 30º, select next larger vibrator.
  • If bin thickness is extra heavy, select next larger vibrator.
  • On real sticky or hard to move materials, it is better to use two (2) small vibrators instead of a large one (find the smaller one by figuring half the material weight).

Vibrating Tables

For Compacting material – Dense or fine materials respond best to high frequency vibration (3000 RPM or more) while light, fluffy or flaky materials respond best to low frequency vibration (1500 RPM or less).

For packing or settling materials, use a-vibrator with an impact force of (1.5) to 2 times larger than the weight of the material plus container.

Vibrating Screens

Rule of thumb: For self-cleaning screen use a vibrator with a centrifugal force (impact) four (4) times the weight of the material plus the weight of the screen.

NOTE: Coarse and lumpy materials respond best to 3000 VPM (vibrations per minute), powdery and dry materials, to 1500 VPM, but for sticky and wet materials recommend over 3000 VPM.

Consolidating Concrete

Rule of thumb: For 3″ “slump” concrete use a vibrator with the same force (impact) as the weight of concrete and form.

For 1 – 2″ slump concrete, an additional 30 -50% impact is needed.

For dry mixes (0 – slump) add 100 – 200%.

NOTE: For additional sizing consult VIBCO, or request the concrete catalogue.

For your initial enquiry on a Vibco product please contact below;

15 Doyle Avenue
Unaderra NSW 2526
T: 1300 585 069